An Evening with Dr. Anika Prather

Thursday, January 23, 2025
7:00 PM—8:30 PM
Reception at 6:30 PM

Educators: Free
Non-Educator Members: $20
Non-Members: $30

Location: The MacMillan Institute | 518 East Wheatland Road | Duncanville, Texas 75116

Author, singer, classical educator, intellectual, consultant, school founder—Dr. Anika Prather will lift the heart and enlighten the mind. Join us for the return of this inspiring speaker in an evening you won’t want to miss. 

Friday Night Salon

Friday, February 7, March 14, 2025
6:30 PM—8:30 PM
Reception at 6:00 PM

Educators: Free
Non-Educator Members: $10
Non-Members: $20
Fee includes reception food and beverages

Location: The MacMillan Institute | 518 East Wheatland Road | Duncanville, Texas 75116

Dr. Larry Allums, an expert moderator and community builder, brings his popular program to The MacMillan Institute! Friday Night Salon is a monthly forum for thoughtful conversation in community about significant topics both timely and timeless.

Register each month by noon the day thereof.

Red, Black, and White Night

Friday, February 14, 2025
6:00 PM until…..
$45 per person

Location: The MacMillan Institute | 518 East Wheatland Road | Duncanville, Texas 75116

Would you like to do something really different for Valentine’s Day this year?

Do you love good food, and watching and discussing classic films?

Join us for a special, intimate event at “The Mac,” an evening to celebrate friends and loved ones with food, drink, and film! (How about some Bogey & Bergman?)

Come as a couple or come on your own.

Dress up in a period piece or in black & white if you want to get into the spirit of this classic 1940s romance. (Don’t forget a dash of red!)

Enjoy a delicious chef-inspired meal, lovely beverages, and a classic film.

Seating is limited to 30.

Please register by February 3.

Friday Night Lights Film Pop Up Event

Friday, March 7, 2025
6:00 PM—whenever
Reception at 5:30 PM
Reception Fee: Educator Members: Free
Non-Educator Members: $10
Non-members: $15

Location: The MacMillan Institute | 518 East Wheatland Road | Duncanville, Texas 75116

Join us Friday for a film biopic starring Dev Patel: the inspiring story based on the life and work of the brilliant Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan.                                   

                     “. . . a respectful, . . . earnest film about the early-20th-century mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, who found the divine in integers.”    

Please register by noon March 6. Movie candy and popcorn, too!

The MacMillan Institute Book Group

Mondays, March 24, April 28, May 19, 2025
7:00 PM—8:30 PM
Reception at 6:30 PM

Educator Members: $10 per session
Non-Educator Members: $20 per session
Non-Members: $30 per session
Fee includes reception food and beverages

Location: The MacMillan Institute | 518 East Wheatland Road | Duncanville, Texas 75116

Dr. Larry Allums’ long-running Book Group, which just completed its 27th consecutive year in Dallas, is extending its presence to the MacMillan Institute in Duncanville. 

The focus of these monthly sessions is contemporary novels, discussion of which Dr. Allums will be leading. 

If you’re a serious reader of good recent fiction, this is the book group for you. 

Spring 2025 schedule:

March 24: James, by Percival Everett

April 28: Martyr, by Kaveh Akbar

May 19: Creation Lake, Rachel Kushner

Book is purchased by participant.